Monday, December 21, 2009

You never know a good thing till it’s gone, BE GRATEFUL!

Not everything we wished for in this world could always be granted, but every time when we wished for something, we must always be grateful for whatever we get. Because, you never know a good thing until it’s gone.

Even though our wish couldn't be granted, we must always remember, there's always someone who isn't as much as lucky as we are now....

There are a lot of peoples that wishes that at least they could be like us. We know there are a lot of poor people who wished that they could be given a better life, could be given a much better place to live, a much better education for them. We know there is lot of rich people who wishes that they are just a normal people. We know a lot of wealthy people with disability, wishing to do everything they could to be a complete person...

Remembering that every times our wishes couldn't be granted, there are much much more people wishes that hold a much greater level of importance. Somehow, you would be grateful; you are still in your current state...

I always grateful, even though I couldn’t ride a car or a motorcycle, I still can use a public transportation. I'm always grateful, even though I didn't given a chance to study at an outside countries, I still obtain a chance to study here, and it give me a much better education, and life lesson for myself.

I still grateful, even though I never been on a tour around the world, I've been to another province in Indonesia (do you ever think about the people that never even get out from that little dark places in the corners of the city?). I always grateful, even though currently I didn't have a lot of cash to be independent and not depends on my parents, I still given the minds, the spirits, the powers, the skills, friends and the peoples needed in order for me to be an independent girl.

That's why, every time you wished for something, try your best for it, and even though in the end you've failed, you could laugh as hard as you can, smile as wide as you can, be grateful with it, because you know THAT YOU'VE DONE THE BEST YOU COULD AND NO REGRET WILL COME UPON. There would always be a lesson learned in every event in your life....

Thomas Alva Edison always said “We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb” it means that there are a thousand ways that Thomas Alfa Edison must be pass-through to reach what he wished for. So, why are you still staying there and complaining? What's the point in complaining, except it'll always bring you down and bringing you further from your goals? I believe that, every lesson I learned from this life I live, making me harder, better, faster and stronger!

If I given a chance to be reborn, I wouldn't wish to be the child of Bill Gates, or some other Billionaires out there. I still believe I'm fine the way I am, I still believe that God have given me the best way to live my life.
Because If I’m not be the way I have to be or God have given me the other way to live my life, maybe... this note would never be exist.

I would never obtain a chance to study like now
I would never learned so much lessons in life
I would never learned that, failure in love making me stronger, making me love people more, tell me how you should cherish the people that loves you and you love more...
I would never have the skills I had now, to sing, to draw, managing peoples, friends
I would never think hard to do everything, If everything is too easy for me.

If everything I wanted could be granted in a flick of hand, maybe I would choose to be unborn...

For me, it's not the achievement I got that brings me the satisfaction, it's the fight for it that I love so much.

For a better tomorrow, for you and I


Vina Andhiani
(Inspired from some thread in kaskus)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Quick Post, writing-revolution

Gambar diatas mengubah persepsiku akan menulis
Menulis memang punya arti lebih dari sekedar kegiatan mengisi waktu luang atau hanya mencurahkan isi kepala
Maaf akan postingan - postinganku sebelumnya yang terkesan tidak penting
Setelah post ini, akan ku coba untuk menulis lebih baik

Saturday, December 05, 2009

My Wish

Today is December 5th but my last post was in November 14th. It means that I haven't update this blog for more than 20 days. Well, I'm sorry. It just.. there's so much things that bothered me lately.

Salah satunya adalah keikutsertaan gue dalam PMDK IPB. PMDK itu kepanjangan dari Penelusuran Minat dan Bakat, itu merupakan salah satu jalur masuk Perguruan Tinggi dengan cara hanya memberikan salinan rapot dari semester pertama hingga semester empat (kelas dua semester 2). Jalur masuk PMDK memang hanya ada di universitas- universitas tertentu, salah satunya ada di Institut Pertanian Bogor. Sepertinya sepele, tapi memang benar apa kata pepatah "don't judge a book by its cover" PMDK tidaklah semudah yang dibayangkan.

Hampir seminggu penuh gue pulang malem terus. Oke, sebenarnya masalhnya bukan disitu. Tapi lebih soal apa-yang-lo-ambil dan seberapa-serius-lo-mau-milih-jalur-ini. Banyak dari teman gue yang menjadikan jalur PMDK ini hanya sebagai cadangan, maksudnya dia tidak enar-benar mengincar jurusan PMDK ini dan hanya akan mengambil PMDK ini kalau dia tidak diterima di Universitas yang dia inginkan. Jujur, sempat bikin emosi juga orang-orang ini. Kalau kasarnya bisa dibilang "Ngapain sih lo ikut beginian? Toh entarnya juga belum tentu lo ambil kan??". Tapi bagaimanapun itu merupakan hak orang masing-masing..

Terus bagaimana dengan gue?? Ya, setelah cukup matang berfikir, akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk mengambil jurusan Arsitektur Lansekap sebagai mayor pertama gue dan Ekonomi Sumber Daya dan Lingkungan sebagai mayor kedua gue.

Kenapa milih itu??
Entahlah. Kalo boleh asal jawab, gue akan bilang karena panggilan alam. Hmm tapi gak mungkin kan ya??? :P Well, sebenarnya krena memang itulah cita-cita gue. Arsitek di mata gue, adalah salah satu pekerjaan terkeren di dunia. Jadi yaa semoga aja bener-bener kesampaian :)

arsitektur lanskap ipb Pictures, Images and Photos

Ya Allah,
jika sesuatu ini menurutMU baik bagiku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan perkaraku
maka jadikanlah itu milikku
dan mudahkanlah bagiku kemudian berkahilah,
namun seandainya ini menjadi malapetaka bagiku, agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan perkaraku
maka jauhkanlah itu dariku sejauh-jauhnya,
dan berilah aku kebaikan di mana saja berada
dan ridhailah aku karenanya..